سرير المستشفى BM32 سرير يدوي للمريض

  • تعديل ارتفاع السرير 455-745 مم, مسند الظهر 75°±10°, راحة الركبة 35°±10°
  • 6 column metal side rail, with damping device, anti-pinch design
  • ABS نهاية السرير, مع قفل آمن
  • 360° full smooth welding platform
  • 5"عجلة مزدوجة الجانب, مع دواسة قفل مركزية
  • ABS كرنك يدوي قابل للطي
فئات : سرير المستشفى Manual Hospital Bed

سرير المستشفى BM32 سرير يدوي للمريض

The ORP BM32 is a 3 function hospital bed manual that offers manual control over the back-rest, knee-rest and whole bed height adjustment. It is designed to provide comfort and safety for patients and caregivers in various healthcare settings. The bed features a durable steel frame, a high-quality mattress platform, four swivel castors with brakes, and removable ABS head and foot boards. The bed also has a collapsible metal column side rail system that can be easily lowered or raised by the patient or the caregiver. The ORP BM32 is easy to operate, maintain and clean, making it a reliable and cost-effective choice for hospital wards, nursing homes and home care.

BM32 Hospital Bed Manual Bed for Patient function 2

المعلمة التقنية:

الطول الخارجي2085المليمتر
العرض الخارجي1020المليمتر
الحد الأدنى لارتفاع السرير455المليمتر
أقصى ارتفاع للسرير745المليمتر
منصة مرتبة1925*900المليمتر
حمل العمل الآمن250ك جم
مسند الظهر75°±10°
مسند الركبة35°±10°

التكوين الفني:

ABS السواعد اليدوية3اجهزه الكمبيوتر
5″ عجلات جانبية واحدة4اجهزه الكمبيوتر
ينتهي السرير ABS بقفل آمن1جبر
6 عمود معدني سكة جانبية قابلة للطي1جبر
القطب الرابع1كمبيوتر شخصي
IV القطب التصور4اجهزه الكمبيوتر
خطاف الصرف2اجهزه الكمبيوتر

حاصل الضرب مقدمة:

مراقبة الجودة:

  • تصميم: The hospital bed manual is designed with the hospital’s sterile standards in mind, using sterile materials and methods to effectively prevent the growth and transmission of germs and viruses. The hospital bed manual has a seamless surface, which makes the bed sturdy and long-lasting, without any cracks or looseness, and without harming the patient’s skin. The hospital bed manual is also carefully shaped and sized to allow for thorough cleaning and easy disinfection and sanitation by medical staff. Hospital bed manual is a reliable, secure and sanitary medical device, which offers quality care for patients and medical staff.
  • لحام: To join metal parts together, welding is the technique that melts and fuses them. The quality of the welding process affects the strength, استقرار, and corrosion resistance of the bed frame. For manual hospital beds, one of the best welding processes is 360° full smooth welding. This technique welds the whole circumference of the metal parts, resulting in a smooth and seamless joint. 360° full smooth welding also improves the appearance and aesthetics of the bed, giving it a more professional and modern look.
  • معايير السلامة: ORP company strive to deliver high-quality medical devices that meet the needs and expectations of our customers. ORP hospital bed follow the Safety Standard: ISO13485:2016&ISO9001:2015, which defines the requirements for a quality management system for medical devices. This standard ensures that we consistently provide products that are safe, فعالة ومتوافقة مع المتطلبات التنظيمية. We constantly evaluate and improve our processes, منتجات وخدمات لتحقيق رضا العملاء والتميز.


  • رصيف: The platform of the manual hospital bed is a product of galvanized cold-rolled steel with a thickness of 1.2mm. The steel sheet undergoes a epoxy coating process to prevent rusting and then a one-time impact briquetting process to form the shape of the platform. This process ensures that the platform has a smooth surface, a strong structure and a long lifespan. The platform can bear a load of up to 250kg, which means that it can accommodate patients with various weights and sizes without any risk of damage. The manual hospital bed aims to offer the best comfort and support for patients who need long-term bed rest. The bed is made of high-quality materials that can withstand high pressure without deformation or deterioration, and reduces the possibility of accidents or injuries occurring.
  • ABS نهاية السرير مع قفل آمن: For patients who need comfort and security in hospitals or nursing homes, the ABS Bed End With Safe Lock is a product that meets their needs. The bed end is constructed from ABS plastic, a material that is strong and easy to maintain. It can withstand scratches and stains, keeping the bed end looking new for longer. The bed end also has a safe lock feature, which prevents the head and foot board from dropping unexpectedly. The bed end can fit most standard hospital beds and can be attached quickly and easily. The bed end has a stylish and contemporary design that adds to the beauty of the room. The ABS Bed End With Safe Lock is a product that combines practicality and elegance for the healthcare setting.
  • 6 عمود معدني سكة جانبية قابلة للطي: ال 6 column metal foldable side rail is a safety device designed for hospital bed manual. It consists of six metal bars that form an L-shaped structure when extended, and can be folded down when not in use. The height is about 370mm. The side rail prevents patients from falling off the bed, especially those who are unconscious, restless, or have limited mobility. It also provides support for patients who need to change positions or get in and out of bed. The side rail is easy to install and operate, and can be adjusted to fit different bed sizes and heights. The metal material is durable and resistant to corrosion, and the surface is smooth and comfortable to touch.


  • تعديل القسم الخلفي: The back section adjustment of a hospital bed manual is a feature that allows the patient to change the angle of the upper part of the bed according to their comfort and needs. The adjustment range is from 0° to 75°±10°, meaning that the back section can be raised or lowered up to 75° degrees from the horizontal position, with a margin of error of 10 درجات. The adjustment mechanism is manual, meaning that the patient or a caregiver has to use a hand crank to change the angle. The hand crank is located at the foot end of the bed, and it can be folded when not in use. لضبط القسم الخلفي, the patient or caregiver has to turn the hand crank clockwise or counterclockwise until the desired angle is reached. يمكن أن يساعد تعديل القسم الخلفي المريض على تحقيق وضع أكثر راحة وراحة, as well as to facilitate activities such as eating, قراءة, or watching TV.
  • تعديل قسم الساق: Our hospital bed manual has a leg section adjustment function that enables the patient to adjust the angle of their legs from 0° to 35°±10°. Leg section adjustment can help improve blood circulation, تقليل التورم, and relieve pressure on the lower back. To adjust the leg section, the caregiver can use the manual crack located on the side of the bed frame. The manual crack is easy to operate and does not require electricity or batteries. The leg section adjustment can provide many benefits for patients with various conditions, such as diabetes, arthritis, edema, or spinal injuries. It can also enhance comfort and relaxation for patients who need to stay in bed for long periods of time.
  • تعديل ارتفاع السرير بالكامل: Our hospital bed manual has the function of adjusting the height of the entire bed with a manual crank. The user can easily change the bed height from 455mm to 745mm to suit the needs and preferences. This feature is convenient, comfortable and safe for both patients and caregivers. This feature can help you to provide better care for the patients, as medical staff can adjust the bed to a comfortable working height and reduce the risk of back strain or injury. The whole bed height adjustment also enables patients to position the bed at an optimal level for transferring patients in and out of the bed, as well as for performing various medical procedures. The manual crank is easy to operate and does not require any electricity, making it suitable for any environment. Our hospital bed manual is designed to meet the needs of both patients and caregivers, offering comfort, safety and convenience.

تفاصيل الملحقات:

  • ABS السواعد اليدوية: The ABS Manual Cranks on hospital bed manual are designed to provide a reliable and convenient way of adjusting the bed height and position. The cranks are made of durable ABS material that can withstand up to 100,000 times of use without breaking or deforming. The cranks are also retractable, which means they can be folded into the bed frame when not in use, preventing accidents and saving space. The cranks are equipped with an extreme protection device that prevents overloading and damage to the bed mechanism. The ABS Manual Cranks on hospital bed are easy to operate and maintain, and they offer a comfortable and safe experience for patients and caregivers.
  • العجلات: Hospital bed manual require high-quality casters that can withstand heavy loads, frequent movements, and various terrains. The 5single side casters are designed to meet these needs with their durable and flexible features. The TPR tire material ensures that the casters do not wear out after running 10 km, and the anti-winding hard shell cover protects the wheel from debris and entanglement. The cover is also united forming without bolts, which reduces the risk of loosening and falling off. علاوة على ذلك, the casters have passed the dynamic test obstacles 4000 تايمز, under the standard 250 kg load of the whole bed, demonstrating their reliability and stability. With 5single side casters, the hospital bed manual can improve the safety and comfort for patients.
  • غطاء الوفير: A bumper cover is a device that can be attached to the corners of a hospital bed manual to prevent damage to the bed frame or the surrounding walls. Bumper covers are usually made of durable and flexible plastic, that can absorb the impact of collisions. Bumper covers can also reduce the noise and vibration caused by moving the bed, which can improve the comfort and safety of the patients and staff. Bumper covers are easy to install and remove, and can be cleaned and sanitized regularly. Bumper covers are an effective and affordable way to protect the hospital bed and wall from wear and tear.
  • القطب الرابع&IV القطب التصور: القطب الرابع&IV Pole Prevision is a device that can be attached to each corner of the hospital bed manual to provide a convenient and secure way of administering intravenous fluids or medications to the patient. عمود التسريب مصنوع من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ وله أربعة خطافات مصنوعة من البلاستيك يمكنها تحمل ما يصل إلى 15 كجم من وزن كل منهما. يمكن تعديل العمود في الارتفاع والزاوية ليناسب احتياجات المريض وراحته. يحتوي العمود أيضا على آلية قفل تمنعه من الانزلاق أو السقوط من السرير. القطب الرابع&IV القطب Prevision سهل التركيب, استخدام وصيانة, ويمكن أن يحسن جودة الرعاية للمرضى الذين يحتاجون إلى العلاج عن طريق الوريد.
  • خطاف الصرف: A hospital bed manual can be equipped with a drainage hook to support a drainage bag or a catheter bag. The hook is composed of sturdy plastic and can be effortlessly attached to the bed frame or the side rails. The hook enables the patient to maintain a comfortable and sanitary position for the drainage bag, and avoids the possibility of infection or leakage. The hook also contributes to keeping the bed neat and orderly, and diminishes the need for constant repositioning of the bag.


4xφ125 mm single chip silent casters. اجتاز اختبار المتانة, 30 كم دون تآكل. وظيفة مكافحة اللف, لكل عجلة تحمل 120 كجم.

لوحة الرأس والقدم

اللوح الأمامي ABS قابل للفصل, عملية صب حقن المواد الأولية ABS, درجة حرارة عالية معقمة في 100 °C, شد يصل إلى 32 ميجا باسكال.

القطب الرابع

Full stainless steel capacity weight 15 ك جم, 4 ثقوب القطب الرابع

كرنك يدوي

3 السواعد ABS من النوع المخفي مع حماية الحد عن طريق التحذير, عند الإمالة إلى أقصى موضع. The crank can bear 770 N power and it has passed 120,000 اختبار التمدد.


1.2 مم سمك الصلب المدلفن على البارد المجلفن لمرة واحدة تأثير قولبة, السطح أملس بدون علامات لحام. Load capacity is 250 ك جم.

القضبان الجانبية

Foldable aluminum alloy side rails with 6 أعمدة الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ, سهل التنظيف. قفل أمان مع وظيفة مضادة للقرص لحماية صحة وسلامة المرضى.


Ensure the bed lifting more stable, save-effort, sturdy and solid, protect the safety of the patients.


The bed with lifting adjustment accessory, 8 mm cold rolled steel plate impact briquetting.
BM32 Hospital Bed Manual Bed for Patient function 1