ORP-NST06A أسرة نقالة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ عالية الجودة

  • هيكل متين من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ
  • Adjustable height range of 720mm-900mm, operated by a foldable manual crank
  • مسند الظهر 75°±10°, مع جهاز مزلاج
  • Stainless steel side rail
  • مرتبة عالية الجودة, featuring soft foam interior and a waterproof, corrosion-resistant PU cover
  • حامل ورف أسطوانة أكسجين متين
فئة : نقالة وعربة المريض

ORP-NST06A أسرة نقالة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ عالية الجودة

Stretcher beds are essential pieces of medical equipment designed to facilitate the safe and efficient transfer of patients within healthcare facilities. These beds are equipped with a range of features aimed at ensuring patient comfort, أمان, and ease of use for healthcare professionals. With durable construction, adjustable height mechanisms, أحكام القطب الرابع, oxygen cylinder holders, and stainless steel shelves, stretcher beds are designed to meet the diverse needs of medical environments. Their robust and versatile design underscores their commitment to providing optimal support for medical care while prioritizing patient well-being.

المعلمة التقنية:

الحد الأدنى لارتفاع السرير720المليمتر
أقصى ارتفاع للسرير900المليمتر
سمك المرتبة60المليمتر
حمل العمل الآمن250ك جم
مسند الظهر75°±10°

التكوين الفني:

كرنك يدوي1كمبيوتر شخصي
6'' عجلة مضادة للانزلاق مع الفرامل4اجهزه الكمبيوتر
حاجز جانبي من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ2اجهزه الكمبيوتر
حامل اسطوانة الأوكسجين1جبر
القطب الرابع1جبر
IV القطب التصور4اجهزه الكمبيوتر
رف المرافق1كمبيوتر شخصي

مقدمة المنتج:

مراقبة الجودة:

  • التقنية: The technology used in the construction of stretcher beds involves precision cutting and advanced cutting techniques to ensure an accurate and perfect fit for all components. This precision cutting technology not only enhances the overall aesthetics of the stretcher bed but also prevents scratches and uneven edges, providing a smooth and professional finish. الاضافه الي ذلك, seamless welding techniques are employed to join the different parts of the stretcher bed seamlessly, ensuring structural integrity and a clean, seamless appearance. These advanced technologies collectively contribute to the creation of high-quality stretcher beds that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also durable and reliable for medical applications.
  • مادي: The stretcher beds are crafted from premium 304 ستانلس ستيل, renowned for its suitability in medical environments due to its exceptional properties. This material stands out as the most responsible choice for ensuring a hygienic and sterile patient care setting, as it enables high-quality disinfection and cleaning procedures to be carried out effectively. علاوة على ذلك, the strength and durability of 304 stainless steel not only contribute to the longevity of the stretcher beds but also uphold the safety and well-being of patients undergoing transportation and treatment.
  • معايير السلامة: The safety standards of the stretcher beds are of paramount importance, and they proudly meet the rigorous criteria set forth by ISO13485:2016 و ISO9001:2015. These certifications are a testament to the commitment to maintaining the highest levels of safety, جودة, and efficacy in the design, إنتاج, and distribution of the stretcher beds. By aligning with these internationally recognized standards, the stretcher beds demonstrate a dedication to ensuring the utmost safety and reliability for patients, healthcare professionals, and medical facilities, thereby establishing trust and confidence in their performance and compliance within the healthcare industry.


  • تعديل الارتفاع بالكامل: The stretcher beds are equipped with a comprehensive height adjustment feature controlled by a metal crank located at the bed end. This mechanism allows for a smooth and controlled rise and fall, ensuring precise positioning to meet diverse patient care needs. With a height range spanning from 720mm to 900mm, the stretcher beds cater to a wide spectrum of medical procedures and patient requirements, while also promoting ergonomic support for healthcare providers. This cohesive and user-friendly design facilitates seamless adaptability and enhances the overall quality of patient care within medical facilities.
  • تعديل القسم الخلفي: The back section adjustment of stretcher beds, featuring a latch device when lifted, is specifically designed to provide reliable support and flexibility within a specific range of angles. With the capability to lift for 75°±10°, this feature offers precise positioning for patient comfort and medical procedures. The integrated latch device ensures secure and stable placement at the desired angle, enhancing safety and ease of use for caregivers. الاضافه الي ذلك, the design incorporates robust strength to effectively support the patient and any necessary equipment, delivering a durable and dependable solution for healthcare environments. This functionality not only facilitates optimal patient care but also contributes to the seamless workflow of healthcare professionals.

تفاصيل الملحقات:

  • يقذفهص: The stretcher beds are outfitted with high-quality 150mm diameter anti-slip casters, each featuring independent brakes to ensure optimal mobility and stability during patient transportation. The independent brake system is designed with a two-foot mechanism, where the green foot facilitates wheel movement control, while the pink foot engages the wheel brakes, offering precise maneuverability and secure locking when needed. These casters are constructed using wear-resistant materials, guaranteeing longevity and resilience even under demanding usage conditions. This robust and reliable caster system significantly enhances the overall safety, القدرة على المناورة, and dependability of the stretcher beds, making them indispensable in healthcare settings.
  • كرنك يدوي: The stretcher beds are equipped with a sturdy manual crank made of metal, located at the bed end. This crank provides control over the height adjustment of the stretcher beds, ensuring precise positioning to accommodate diverse patient care needs. الاضافه الي ذلك, the manual crank is designed to be foldable, maximizing space efficiency when not in use. This durable and space-saving feature adds to the overall functionality and versatility of the stretcher beds, enhancing their suitability for varying medical environments.
  • الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ سكة جانبية: The stainless steel side rail of the stretcher beds provide optimal safety and functionality in medical environments. Crafted from durable stainless steel, it offers robust protection and is easy to maintain, thanks to its effortless cleaning properties. The connection with the frame is thoughtfully equipped with a spring design, allowing the guardrail to be easily folded down with minimal effort. This intuitive design enhances the convenience and efficiency of patient transfer processes, catering to a wide range of medical situations. By combining durability, ease of maintenance, and adaptable functionality, the stainless steel side rail significantly contributes to creating a secure and versatile care environment for patients and healthcare providers alike.
  • فراش: The stretcher beds are equipped with a useful mattress that features a soft foam interior with a 60mm thickness, ensuring optimal patient comfort during transport and care. Encased in a waterproof and corrosion-resistant PU cover, the mattress offers robust protection against liquid ingress and staining while also being easy to clean and maintain. الاضافه الي ذلك, طبيعة الغطاء المسامية تعزز دوران الهواء, enhancing patient comfort and contributing to a hygienic resting environment. This meticulously engineered mattress not only prioritizes patient well-being but also underscores the commitment to maintaining high standards of cleanliness and functionality within medical facilities.
  • القطب الرابع&IV القطب التصور: The stretcher beds are equipped with four previsions distributed at different positions on the bed frame, offering versatile attachment points for the IV pole. The IV pole itself is constructed from robust stainless steel, ensuring durability and reliability in clinical settings. A noteworthy feature of the IV pole is its ability to be conveniently concealed within the stretcher’s main body when not in use, promoting efficient space management. الاضافه الي ذلك, the IV pole is enhanced with a hook, providing a secure attachment point for IV bags or other essential medical equipment.
  • حامل اسطوانة الأوكسجين: The stretcher beds are equipped with an oxygen cylinder holder located at the bottom of the bed frame. Constructed from durable stainless steel, this holder is engineered to withstand the demands of medical environments and is robust enough to securely accommodate oxygen cylinders of varying sizes. This design ensures that medical professionals have easy access to oxygen equipment when caring for patients, promoting efficient and effective emergency response and patient care.
  • Shelf: The stretcher beds are equipped with a robust stainless steel shelf located at the bottom of the bed, providing a versatile and durable storage solution. Designed to support the weight of medical supplies or daily-use items, this shelf offers a convenient space for healthcare professionals to access essential equipment during patient care. The stainless steel shelf’s strength and versatility exemplify the bedscommitment to facilitating organized and efficient medical interventions while contributing to a professional and cohesive visual environment.

حاجز جانبي من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ

جهاز زنبركي متصل بالجزء الرئيسي من السرير, والتي يمكن رفعها أو خفضها عن طريق الضغط.

عجلة مع الفرامل

تتكون الفرامل من 2 الدواسات, الجانب الأخضر يتحكم في الحركة, وفرامل التحكم في الجانب الأحمر. 6” عجلة مضادة للانزلاق, تحمل الكثير من تشغيل الفرامل دون تآكل.

القطب الرابع

القطب الرابع من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ, مع خطاف قابل للطي, ليس من السهل إسقاط كيس التسريب.

كرنك يدوي معدني

مصنوعة من المعدن, يمكن طيها لتوفير المساحة. يمكن التحكم في رفع النقالة بأكملها, متين.

حامل اسطوانة الأكسجين

مصنوعة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ. يكفي لدعم خزانات الأكسجين بجميع أحجامها.


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