BER11K3 Rollover-Krankenhausbett voll elektrisch

  • Bed height adjustment 500-950mm, trendelenburg/reverse trendelenburg 12°±3°, Rückenlehne 75°±10°, Kniestütze 35°±10°
  • Body rollover function
  • PP-Seitengitter, built-in angel indicator and attendant control panel
  • Bettende aus ABS, mit Tresorschloss
  • one-time impact briquetting process galvanized cold-rolled steel platform
  • 5’’doppelseitige Rolle, mit Zentralverriegelungspedal
  • Manual and electric CPR function
  • Back section can sliding when lifting
Kategorien : Electric Hospital Bed Krankenhausbett Intensivbett

BER11K3 High Quality Rollover Hospital Bed Full Electric

Der 2023 latest hospital bed full electric, bis zu 10 functions. The hospital bed full electric is fully functional and can provide patients with comfortable treatment conditions to the maximum extent, taking into account all the needs of patients in the ward, protecting patients from harm, while reducing the difficulty of the work of medical staff. The hospital bed full electric is designed to accommodate patients with a wide range of symptoms, ensuring the universality of hospital treatment. The most special thing about BER11K3 is its body roll over function, which is a very special advanced function.

ORP BER11K3 Rollover Hospital Bed Full Electric display

Technical Parameters:

  • Außenlänge: 2040-2240mm
  • Außenbreite: 1020mm
  • Betthöhe min: 500mm
  • Betthöhe max: 950mm
  • Matratzenplattform: 1820-2020*820mm
  • Sichere Arbeitslast: 250kg
  • Rückenlehne: 75°±10°
  • Kniestütze: 35°±10°
  • Trendelenburg:12°±3°
  • Gegentrendelenburg:12°±3°

ORP BER11K3 Rollover Hospital Bed Full Electric all function

Technical Configurations:

6„Doppelseitige Rollen, Zentralverriegelung4Stck
Klappbare Seitenschiene aus PP1Satz
ABS Bed Ends One Step Removable1Satz
Wall Bumper Wheel4Stck
Röntgendurchlässige Matratzenplattform1Satz


  • Weighing System With LCD Screen
  • Data Storage System
  • Affenstange

Product Details:


  • Technologie: The unique aseptic design meets the hospital’s requirements for infection control, and the seamless headboard and bed surface design supports fast and effective disinfection operations. Automatic robot welding, 360°no dead angle welding technology, to ensure that the bed is safe, reliable, firm and strong.
  • Safety Standard: ORP hat sich der Bereitstellung hochwertiger medizinischer Geräte verschrieben, die den Bedürfnissen und Erwartungen unserer Kunden gerecht werden. The hospital bed full electric is one of our products that follows the Safety Standard: ISO13485:2016&ISO9001:2015, welches die Anforderungen an ein Qualitätsmanagementsystem für Medizinprodukte festlegt. Dieser Standard stellt sicher, dass ORP stets sichere Produkte liefert, wirksam und im Einklang mit den gesetzlichen Anforderungen.


  • Plattform: Galvanized cold-rolled steel is the material of choice for the hospital bed full electric platform. Es wird einem einmaligen Schlagbrikettierungsprozess unterzogen, der die Stahloberfläche glatt und makellos macht, ohne Schweißspuren, die die Qualität oder das Aussehen beeinträchtigen könnten. The hospital bed full electric platform is strong and durable, mit einer maximalen Tragfähigkeit von 250 KG. Das Bett ist ideal für medizinische Einrichtungen, in denen Patienten längere Zeit liegen müssen. Das Material des Bettes hält hohen Belastungen stand, ohne seine Form oder Qualität zu verlieren. Die Form des Bettes passt sich dem Körper des Patienten an, bietet Komfort und Unterstützung. Das Bett ist außerdem langlebig und resistent gegen Beschädigungen, um sicherzustellen, dass es lange hält. Das Bett verfügt über eine glatte Oberfläche, die Unfälle oder Verletzungen verhindert.
  • Abs Bed End One Step Removable: ABS is a type of thermoplastic polymer that exhibits high performance in various applications. It possesses high strength, toughness, and impact resistance, making it suitable for structural components. It also has good resistance to heat, chemicals, and weathering, which enhances its durability and longevity. One of the applications of ABS is the hospital bed full electric head and foot board, which are solid and durable, can withstand high temperature, easy disinfection, easy cleaning and corrosion resistance. They have a scientific installation and disassembly method, bequem und schnell. They also have a safety lock, which prevents them from falling off and ensures safety.
  • PP-Seitenschiene: PP material has many advantages, such as high strength, low density, good chemical resistance, easy processing, and recyclability. Therefore, as a side rail that needs to be folded frequently, the selection of PP material is more appropriate. It can be lifted and lowered more easily, and the patient can be easily damaged or injured. A built-in nurse operating panel on the outside of the long side rail allows for hospital bed full electric adjustment, and a patient control panel on the inside allows for simple bed adjustments that can be easily touched by patients. Short side rail outside built-in Angle indicator.


  • Body Rollover Function: A hospital bed full electric with a body rollover function is a device that can automatically turn the patient’s body from side to side at regular intervals. This function can help prevent pressure ulcers, improve blood circulation, and reduce the workload of the caregivers. The body rollover function can be adjusted according to the patient’s condition and preference, such as the angle, speed, and duration of the rotation.
  • Trendelenburg/Reverse Trendelenburg: Trendelenburg and reverse Trendelenburg are two types of body positions that can be used for different purposes in medical settings. The tilt angle of the hospital bed full electric is about 12°, with an error of about 3°. Bei der Trendelenburg-Position wird der Kopf gesenkt und die Füße des Patienten angehoben. Die Trendelenburg-Position kann dabei helfen, die Atmung zu regulieren, Verdauungs- und Ausscheidungssystem des Patienten, indem es den Abfluss von Sekreten und Flüssigkeiten aus der Lunge erleichtert, Magen und Darm. Zusätzlich, Trendelenburg position can enhance blood circulation and prevent blood clots in the lower limbs, Darüber hinaus stimulieren sie das Vestibularsystem und verbessern die räumliche Orientierung bettlägeriger Patienten. Reverse Trendelenburg position involves raising the head and lowering the feet of the patient. The reverse Trendelenburg position has several advantages, wie die Verbesserung des venösen Rückflusses und die Verringerung des Blutverlusts.
  • Anpassung des Rückenteils: The patient can adjust the back section of the bed from 0° to 75° with a margin of error of 10°. Dadurch, Der Patient kann selbstständig sitzen und seine täglichen Aktivitäten bequemer ausführen. Patienten, die sich von einer Krankheit oder Operation erholen, benötigen bequeme und bequeme Betten, in denen sie essen können, Trinken und andere einfache Aktivitäten ohne Schwierigkeiten ausführen. Jedoch, Einige Patienten benötigen möglicherweise auch Betten, die in verschiedenen Winkeln oder Positionen eingestellt werden können, um ihren spezifischen medizinischen Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden und die Pflege zu erleichtern.
  • Einstellung der Beinpartie: The leg section lifting feature of the hospital bed full electric is designed to allow the patient to enjoy maximum comfort and relaxation during your stay. Es besteht aus zwei verstellbaren Abschnitten, die Ihren Oberschenkel und Ihre Wade stützen. The patient or medical staff can adjust the Angle of the foot support from 0° to 35° according to your needs, increasing or decreasing by 10° each time. Dadurch wird sich der Patient nicht nur besser fühlen, it will also benefit patient’s health. It can improve blood circulation in legs, beugt Muskelsteifheit und Muskelkater vor, und erleichtern Ihnen zudem die Pflege der Beine oder Füße des Patienten. Dies wird dazu beitragen, sich schneller zu erholen und das Leben besser zu genießen.
  • Ganz Bed Höhenverstellung: The overall adjustment height of the hospital bed full electric is between 500-950mm. The overall height adjustment is convenient for medical staff to care for patients. If the patient has the need to get on and off the bed, it is also necessary to adjust the height of the hospital bed full electric.
  • CPR Release: BER11K3 has two CPR release functions. The first is manual CPR. Manual CPR release helps the entire bed quickly return to a position conducive to CPR, i.e. leveling the bed surface. In addition, the hospital bed full electric surface is also equipped with a buffer spring to prevent the rapid release of the bed surface on the patient’s impact. Manual CPR is located on the outside of the bed, visible, medical staff can quickly find it, and press to release, simple operation. The electric CPR is configured on the control panel to allow the hospital bed full electric to be electrically positioned quickly for CPR operations.
  • Cardiac Chair Position: The cardiac chair position is a type of body positioning that is used to promote lung expansion and oxygenation in patients with respiratory or cardiac problems. It involves elevating the head and upper body to an angle of 45° to 90°, while supporting the arms and legs with pillows or cushions. This position reduces the pressure on the diaphragm and allows the lungs to expand more fully. It also improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of fluid accumulation in the lungs (pulmonary edema). BER11K3 can adjust the bed surface to the heart seat with one click, bequem und schnell.
  • Auto-regression: Auto-regression is a function of abdominal decompression, which means that when the back section and leg section are raised, they can move a little to the sides, so as to give the seat section more space. It is a scientific hospital bed full electric experience, which can relieve the patient’s abdominal pressure and ensure the patient’s comfort level.

Details zum Zubehör:

  • Linearmotor: The hospital bed full electric equipped with 6 Linearmotoren. The linear motor system of the bed ensures safety and reliability for both the patients and the medical staff. The system works quietly, mit einem Geräuschpegel von nur 50 dB, so it does not interfere with the patientssleep or the staff’s work. The system also has a high durability, bis zu 20,000 mal, which lowers the maintenance costs and the chance of failure. The linear motor can change the bed position smoothly and accurately, depending on the patientspreferences and the medical operations. The system is simple to use and manage, and it improves the comfort and care of the patients.
  • Winkelanzeige: The medical staff can use the angle display on each side rail of the hospital bed full electric to find the best position for the patient’s comfort and health. The angle indicator displays the angle of elevation for both the back-rest and the knee-rest. By adjusting these angles, the medical staff can help the patient avoid pressure ulcers, improve blood circulation, and reduce pain and discomfort. The angle indicator is easy to read and operate, and convenient for medical staff to care.
  • Zauberer: 6 “double-sided caster with brake pedal, with center control. The casters are made of TPE material, quiet and non-slip, strong and durable. The inner side adopts anti-winding technology to protect the casters. The casters have been tested to withstand pressure or repeated several times as new without damaging the floor or leaving scratches.
  • Bettverlängerung: A bed extension is a device that can be attached to the end of a hospital bed to increase its length. It is usually used for patients who are taller than the standard bed size, or who need extra legroom for comfort or medical reasons. Bed extensions can improve the quality of care and comfort for patients who require them, as well as reduce the risk of complications. The BER11K3 hospital bed full electric can extend up to 20cm.
  • Bumper Wheel: A bumper wheel is a device that can be attached to the corners of a hospital bed to prevent damage to the walls or furniture. Bumper wheels have a spherical shape that allows them to roll smoothly over any surface. Bumper wheels can also reduce the noise and vibration caused by moving the bed, which can improve the comfort and safety of the patient and the staff.
  • Zentralverriegelung: The central locking pedal of a hospital bed is a device that allows the caregiver to lock or unlock all four casters of the bed with a single foot press. This feature enhances the safety and convenience of both the patient and the staff, as it prevents unwanted movement of the bed and facilitates easy positioning and transport. The central locking pedal is usually located at the foot end of the bed. To activate the central locking system, the caregiver simply needs to press down on the pedal.
  • Infusionsständer&IV-Pol-Prognose: The electric hospital bed corners are equipped with infusion pole holders for easy and safe access. Die Infusionsstangen bestehen aus stabilem Edelstahl und verfügen über vier Haken, die bei Nichtgebrauch eingeklappt werden können. Die Stangen können in der Höhe verstellt und zusammengeklappt werden, um unterschiedlichen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Die Stöcke können bis zu 15 kg Gewicht tragen, ohne dass die Stabilität beeinträchtigt wird.
  • Entwässerungshaken: The electric hospital bed drainage hook is a medical device used to fix the drainage bag, Die bequem an der Seite oder am Boden des Bettes installiert werden kann, um die Position und Höhe des Drainagebeutels beizubehalten und den Rückfluss oder Überlauf der Drainageflüssigkeit zu verhindern. BER11K3 equipped with plastic drainage hook.
  • Back-up Battery: In the situation of power failure, can also work normally. Electric operation can also be done in case of power failure. Electric operation can also be done in transit. Has a battery level display.


Heighten, thicken,with lock, easy to install and disassemble. High quality ABS material. With first aid push handrail.


Display on each guardrail, adjust to the best position, clearly show each section’s angle.


When the back section raised, the seat section will have more space. Fit Ergonomics.


Located on the side of the bed, quickly release the bed plate, immediately returns to the flat platform.


At each corner of the bed, decrease impact, protect the bed and wall.


Extend up to 20CM, comfortable for the tallest of patients.


TPE anti-corrosion wheel glue, Anti-Wicklung,quiet bearing, flexible. With brake pedal, four casters brake or unlock synchronously.


Plastic drainage hook integrated inside the side rails.


Safety guarantee, motor noise 50dB, service life of 20,000 mal.


Foot pedal which can adjust the fifth castors to control the direction.


The seamless headboard and bed surface design supports fast and effective disinfection operations. Automatic robot welding, 360° no dead angle welding technology, to ensure that the ICU hospital bed is safe, reliable, firm and strong.


With built-in operating panel and angle display. The side rails can let the patient easily grasp the handle to ensure safety. The operating panel can adjust the bed height and the back or leg section.


Adjust the status of the hospital bed according to different needs

1. Body Rollover

2. Trendelenburg & Gegentrendelenburg

3. Höhenverstellung

4. Synchronous Adjustment


6. CPR Release

7. Extension Adjustment

8. Section Adjustment

ORP BER11K3 Rollover Hospital Bed Full Electric function