BM50B Cama de hospital manual de cinco funciones para pacientes

  • Ajuste de la altura de la cama 455-745 mm, trendelenburg/reverse trendelenburg 12°±3°, respaldo 75°±10°, reposarodillas 35°±10°
  • Barandilla lateral de PP, plegable
  • Extremo de la cama de ABS, con cerradura de seguridad
  • 360° full smooth welding
  • 5’’ single-side caster, con pedal de bloqueo centralizado
  • ABS collapsible manual crank
Categorías : Cama de hospital Cama manual Etiqueta : Five Function Hospital Bed

BM50B Cama de hospital manual de cinco funciones para pacientes

El 5 function manual hospital bed is a type of medical equipment that allows the patient to adjust the position of the bed by using hand cranks. This type of bed is suitable for patients who have some mobility and strength in their upper limbs, and who do not require frequent or complex adjustments. El 5 functions of the bed are: raising or lowering the back section, raising or lowering the leg section, raising or lowering the whole bed and adjusting the trendelenburg or reverse trendelenburg position. These functions can help the patient achieve a comfortable and therapeutic posture, as well as facilitate activities such as eating, lectura, or getting in and out of bed. The hand cranks are located at the foot end or the side of the bed, and can be folded when not in use. 5 function manual hospital bed is a simple and cost-effective option for patients who need moderate support and flexibility in their bed positioning.

Parámetro técnico:

Longitud externa2190milímetro
Ancho externo1020milímetro
Altura mínima de la cama455milímetro
Altura máxima de la cama745milímetro
Plataforma de colchón1925*900milímetro
Carga de trabajo segura250kg
Trendelenburg inverso12°±3°

Configuración técnica:

Bielas manuales ABS4Pc
5″ Single-Side Caster with Brake4Pc
Extremos de cama de ABS con cerradura segura1poner
Riel lateral plegable de PP1poner
Polo IV1PC
Previsión del polo IV4Pc
Gancho de drenaje2Pc

Producto Introducción:

Control de calidad:

  • Diseño: The design of manual beds takes into account the sterile requirements of the hospital, and adopts sterile materials and processes to effectively prevent the breeding and spread of bacteria and viruses. The surface of the manual bed is seamless, making the bed strong and durable, without cracks or looseness, and without scratching the patient’s skin. The shape and size of the manual beds have also been carefully designed to allow for no-dead cleaning and facilitate disinfection and cleaning by medical staff. Manual hospital bed is an efficient, safe and hygienic medical equipment, which provides quality services for patients and medical staff.
  • Soldadura: Welding is the technique of joining metal parts by melting and fusing them together. A good welding process ensures that the bed frame is strong, stable, and resistant to corrosion. One of the best welding processes for manual hospital beds is 360° full smooth welding. This is a technique that involves welding the entire circumference of the metal parts, creating a smooth and seamless joint. 360° full smooth welding also enhances the appearance and aesthetics of the bed, making it look more professional and modern.
  • Norma de seguridad: Our company is committed to providing high-quality medical devices that meet the needs and expectations of our customers. Our hospital bed adhere to the Safety Standard: ISO13485:2016&ISO9001:2015, which specifies the requirements for a quality management system for medical devices. This standard ensures that we consistently deliver products that are safe, effective and compliant with regulatory requirements. We continuously monitor and improve our processes, products and services to achieve customer satisfaction and excellence.


  • Plataforma: The manual hospital bed platform is made of 1.2mm thickness galvanized cold-rolled steel one-time impact briquetting, which means that the steel sheet is coated with epoxy to prevent corrosion and then pressed into shape by a machine.This process ensures that the platform is smooth, sturdy and durable.The load capacity of the platform is 250kg, which means that it can support patients of different weights and sizes without bending or breaking. The manual hospital bed is designed to provide optimal comfort and support for patients who need to rest for long periods of time. The material of the bed is made of high-quality materials that can endure high levels of pressure without deforming or deteriorating, minimizes the risk of accidents or injuries from happening.
  • Extremo de la cama de ABS Con cerradura segura: The ABS Bed End With Safe Lock is a product designed to provide comfort and security for patients in hospitals or nursing homes. The bed end is made of durable and easy-to-clean ABS plastic, which resists scratches and stains. The bed end also features a safe lock mechanism, prevent the headboard and tail plate from falling accidentally. The bed end is compatible with most standard hospital beds and can be installed in minutes. The bed end also has a sleek and modern design that enhances the appearance of the room. The ABS Bed End With Safe Lock is a product that offers both functionality and aesthetics for the healthcare environment.
  • Riel lateral de PP: The PP side rail is a safety feature that can be installed on a manual hospital bed. It consists of a plastic panel that can be lowered or raised by a lever mechanism, providing protection and support for the patient. PP side rail on manual hospital bed is made of high-quality polypropylene material, which is durable, peso ligero, y fácil de limpiar. The PP side rail is designed to prevent the patient from falling off the bed, as well as to reduce the impact of any accidental collisions. The PP side rail can also be used as a handle for the patient to adjust their position or transfer to a wheelchair. The PP side rail for manual hospital bed is easy to install and operate, and it is compatible with most manual hospital beds.


  • Trendelenburg/Trendelenburg inverso: One of the features of a manual hospital bed is the Trendelenburg/Reverse Trendelenburg function, which allows the bed to tilt forward or backward at an angle of up to 12°. This function can be useful for patients with certain medical conditions, such as low blood pressure, poor circulation, respiratory problems, or edema. The Trendelenburg/Reverse Trendelenburg function can also facilitate patient transfer, posicionamiento, and comfort. To adjust the bed to the desired angle, the caregiver or the patient needs to locate the crank on the side of the bed and turn it clockwise or counterclockwise until the bed reaches the desired position. The bed should be locked in place once the adjustment is done. The caregiver or the patient should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and safety precautions when using the Trendelenburg/Reverse Trendelenburg function.
  • Ajuste de la sección trasera: The back section adjustment of a manual hospital bed is a feature that allows the patient to raise or lower the upper part of the bed according to their comfort and medical needs. The back section adjustment can range from 0° to 75°. To adjust the back section, the caregiver needs to use a hand crank located at the foot end of the bed. The hand crank can be rotated clockwise or counterclockwise to increase or decrease the angle of the back section. The hand crank should be turned slowly and smoothly, avoiding sudden jerks or stops that could cause discomfort or injury to the patient. The back section adjustment can help the patient to achieve a more comfortable and ergonomic posture, as well as to facilitate breathing, digestion, circulación, and other bodily functions. The back section adjustment can also prevent pressure ulcers, muscle stiffness, and joint pain that could result from prolonged lying in a flat position. The back section adjustment is one of the main advantages of a manual hospital bed over a regular bed, as it provides more flexibility and convenience for the patient and the caregiver.
  • Ajuste de la sección de la pierna: The manual hospital bed leg section adjustment is a feature that allows the user to raise or lower the lower part of the bed according to their needs and comfort. The leg section adjustment can be set from 0° to 35° by using the hand crank located at the foot end of the bed. The manual hospital bed leg section adjustment can help improve blood circulation, reducir la hinchazón, Aliviar la presión, and enhance comfort for the user. It is important to adjust the leg section carefully and gradually, and to consult with a medical professional before making any changes. Do not force the hand crank or exceed the maximum angle of 35°.
  • Ajuste de la altura de toda la cama: The manual hospital bed is designed to provide comfort and safety for patients and caregivers. The bed has a height adjustment range of 455mm to 745mm, which allows for easy transfer of patients and optimal working height for caregivers. The height adjustment is controlled by a crank handle at the foot end of the bed, which can be folded away when not in use. It also allows nurses to provide timely and comfortable care at the optimal height level.

Accesorios Detalles:

  • Manivela manual ABS: ABS Manual Cranks are devices that allow the adjustment of the height, back and leg sections and angle of inclination of a manual hospital bed. They located at the foot end of the bed, and can be folded when not in use. Handle part of manual cranks are made of durable and lightweight ABS plastic, which is resistant to corrosion and easy to clean. ABS manual cranks are designed to provide smooth and precise movement of the bed sections, as well as to prevent overloading and damage to the bed frame. ABS manual cranks are suitable for patients who need frequent position changes, or who have limited mobility or strength. ABS manual cranks are also convenient for caregivers, as they reduce the risk of injury and fatigue from lifting or moving the patient.
  • Vaciador: Our 5” single-sided casters can handle different kinds of environments, como mojado, polvoriento, o calientes. They have TPE anti-corrosion wheel glue that protects them from rusting and wearing out. También tienen cojinetes silenciosos de doble sello tipo rociador incrustados que los hacen moverse de manera suave y silenciosa. The casters have a brake pedal that can lock the wheels firmly and avoid wire or cord entanglement. No worn after running 30KM, pass Dynamic test of bearing 120kg run 30km and pass obstacles 500 veces.
  • Cubierta del parachoques: The bumper covers set on each corner of the the manual hospital bed frame. The bumper cover is a protective device that prevents damage to the bed and the surrounding objects in case of accidental collisions. The bumper cover is made of durable plastic material that absorbs the impact and reduces the noise. The bumper cover also has a smooth surface that is easy to clean and disinfect. The bumper cover is attached to the bed frame and can be easily replaced if needed. The bumper cover is an important component that enhances the safety and comfort of the manual hospital bed.
  • Polo IV&Previsión del polo IV: Polo IV&IV Pole Prevision is a device that can be attached to each corner of the manual hospital bed to provide a convenient and secure way of administering intravenous fluids or medications to the patient. The infusion pole is made of stainless steel and has four hooks made of plastic that can hold up to 15 kg of weight each. The pole can be adjusted in height and angle to suit the patient’s needs and comfort. The pole also has a locking mechanism that prevents it from sliding or falling off the bed. Polo IV&IV Pole Prevision is easy to install, use and maintain, and can improve the quality of care for patients who need intravenous therapy.
  • Gancho de drenaje: The drainage hook can be attached to a manual hospital bed to hold a drainage bag or a catheter bag. The hook is made of durable plastic and can be easily fixed to the bed frame or the side rails. The hook allows the patient to have a comfortable and hygienic position for the drainage bag, and prevents the risk of infection or leakage. The hook also helps to keep the bed tidy and organized, and reduces the need for frequent repositioning of the bag.


Capacidad total de acero inoxidable, peso 15 kg, 4 IV pole holes


4 hidden type ABS cranks with limit protection by warning, when tilting to the maximum position. The crank can bear 770N power and it has passed 120,000 Prueba de estiramiento.


1.2Briquetas de impacto de una sola vez de acero galvanizado laminado en frío de mm de espesor, La superficie es lisa sin marcas de soldadura. La capacidad de carga es de 250 kg.


Rieles laterales ajustables de PP, Tecnología de moldeo por soplado de conformado de una sola vez, El resorte de la barandilla lateral pasó a ser sometido 10,000 Pruebas de elevación sin ningún fenómeno de bloqueo. Puede soportar una fuerza de impacto de 200 kg.


4xφ125mm single chip silent casters. Ha superado la prueba de durabilidad, 30km sin abrasión.Función anti-bobinado, por rueda soporta 120 kg.


Cabecero de ABS desmontable, ABS primary material injection molding process, esterilizado a alta temperatura a 100 °C, Tracción hasta 32MPa.