BE56K Больничная электрическая медицинская кровать для пациента

  • Регулировка высоты станины 455-745 мм, Тренделенбург/Обратный Тренделенбург 12°±3°, спинка 75°±10°, подставка для коленей 35°±10°
  • Боковая направляющая из полипропилена, встроенный индикатор ангела
  • Конец кровати HDPP, Складной, с сейфовым замком, встроенный индикатор угла
  • одноразовый процесс ударного брикетирования, платформа из оцинкованной холоднокатаной стали
  • 5''двухсторонний ролик, с педалью центрального замка
  • Ручная и электрическая функция СЛР

BE56K Больничная электрическая медицинская кровать для пациента

Электрическая медицинская кровать — это тип кровати, которая может изменять свою высоту и угол наклона с помощью электрического контроллера.. Он предназначен для использования в различных условиях больницы., особенно в отделениях интенсивной терапии и операционных. Электрическая медицинская кровать может повысить комфорт пациента., снизить риск возникновения пролежней, облегчить медицинскому персоналу выполнение различных процедур и анализов, а также помочь выздоровлению пациента и предотвратить осложнения.

Технические параметры:

Внешняя длина2190миллиметр
Внешняя ширина1020миллиметр
Минимальная высота кровати455миллиметр
Максимальная высота кровати745миллиметр
Матрасная платформа1925*900миллиметр
Безопасная рабочая нагрузка250кг
Подставка для коленей35°±10°
Обратный Тренделенбург12°±3°


Линейный двигатель4Шт
5” Double Side Caster4Шт
Складная боковая направляющая из полипропилена1набор
Концы кровати HDPP1набор
Настенное колесо-бампер4Шт
Полюс для внутривенных вливаний1ПК
IV Предвидение полюса4Шт
Дренажный крючок2Шт
Педаль центрального замка2Шт
Ручной контроллер1ПК
Ручная сердечно-легочная реанимация
Электрическая сердечно-легочная реанимация


  • Резервная батарея
  • Удлинитель кровати
  • Медсестра-контролер
  • Функция авторегрессии
  • Ночник
  • Рентгенопрозрачная матрасная платформа (Задняя часть)
  • Утилита Контейнер
  • Обезьяний шест

Продукт Знакомство:

Quality Control Measures for the Electric Hospital Bed

Infection Prevention Technology

The electric hospital bed features design elements that effectively prevent the spread of infections in hospitals. It meets rigorous infection control standards. The bed surface and headboard are free from gaps and rough edges, ensuring easy cleaning and disinfection. A robot assembles the bed using advanced 360° welding technology. This method guarantees that the bed remains stable, надежный, сильный, and durable.

Adherence to Safety Standards

ORP focuses on delivering high-quality medical devices that meet the diverse needs of customers. The electric hospital bed adheres to important Safety Standards: ISO13485:2016 и ISO9001:2015. These standards outline the requirements for a quality management system for medical devices, ensuring that ORP consistently provides safe and effective products that comply with regulatory requirements. Кроме того, the electric hospital bed meets CE marking requirements, signifying conformity with health, безопасность, and environmental protection standards in the European Union. Дополнительно, it complies with FDA regulations, ensuring safety and effectiveness for medical devices in the United States.

Robust Frameworks of the Electric Hospital Bed

Durable Platform Construction

The platform of the electric hospital bed comprises galvanized cold-rolled steel, a high-quality material that undergoes a one-time impact briquetting process. This process creates a smooth surface that is free from welding marks. The platform exhibits high strength and durability, supporting a maximum load capacity of 250 КГ. It can handle heavy pressure without any deformation. The bed surface is designed for comfort and support, resisting wear and tear for long-lasting performance while minimizing the risk of accidents.


1.2мм толщина оцинкованная холоднокатаная сталь разовое ударное брикетирование, поверхность гладкая без следов сварки. Грузоподъемность 250 кг.

High-Quality HDPP Bed Ends

The head and foot boards of the electric hospital bed utilize high-density polypropylene (HDPP) композитный материал. HDPP offers numerous advantages over other materials, например, высокая прочность, good durability, and excellent wear resistance. This design not only enhances the bed’s appearance but also ensures its longevity. It can withstand daily wear while maintaining its shape and color, making it a professional choice for hospital furniture.


Процесс литья под давлением первичного материала HDPP, высокотемпературная стерилизация при 100 ℃ растяжение до 32МПа.

Functional PP Side Rail

The side rail of the electric hospital bed is constructed from PP material, which offers several benefits. Its high strength-to-weight ratio allows it to handle stress without adding excess weight. It resists chemicals, promoting hygiene, and can be easily processed and recycled, reducing environmental impact. The side rail folds up and down effortlessly, enhancing patient comfort and safety. Patients can avoid injuries and adjust the bed position according to their needs. Дополнительно, the side rail features a built-in nurse operating panel for controlling functions like height and tilt, while the patient control panel inside allows for basic adjustments.


Регулируемые по высоте боковые поручни из АБС-пластика с индикаторами угла, боковая пружина рельса подверглась 10,000 Подъемные испытания без каких-либо блокировок. Он выдерживает силу удара 200 кг.

Versatile Functions of the Electric Hospital Bed

Trendelenburg and Reverse Trendelenburg Positions

The electric hospital bed provides Trendelenburg and reverse Trendelenburg positions for various medical conditions. The Trendelenburg position lowers the head and raises the feet, while reverse Trendelenburg raises the head and lowers the feet. These adjustments can significantly impact patient physiology. Например, Trendelenburg can alleviate angina symptoms and improve circulation. In contrast, reverse Trendelenburg can increase cardiac output and lower venous pressure. The bed adjusts these angles up to 12° with a margin of error of 3°, ensuring optimal comfort and safety.

Adjustable Back Section for Comfort

The backrest of the electric hospital bed adjusts from 0 до 75° с погрешностью 10°. This feature enables patients to sit up independently, making daily activities easier. It also reduces the workload for medical staff.

Enhanced Leg Section Adjustment

The leg section of the bed adjusts from 0 до 35°, с погрешностью 10%. It consists of two parts: секция бедра и секция голени. Adjusting the leg section improves blood flow, prevents numbness, and facilitates better leg care.

Whole Bed Height Adjustment for Accessibility

The electric hospital bed allows height adjustment from 455mm to 745mm. This feature benefits patients who struggle with mobility, reducing strain on their joints. It also helps nurses provide timely treatment at a comfortable working height.

Quick CPR Release Functionality

The control panel includes an electric CPR function for quick adjustment with a single button. This manual CPR function has separate buttons for moving the bed to an emergency position, обеспечение безопасности пациентов. A damping device prevents the backrest from dropping suddenly.

Comprehensive Accessory Details

Efficient Linear Motor System

The electric hospital bed includes four medical motors, ensuring safety and reliability for patients and staff. The linear motor system operates quietly at only 50dB, allowing patients to rest undisturbed. With a lifespan of up to 20,000 cycles, it reduces maintenance costs and risks of malfunction. The system adjusts the bed smoothly and precisely, catering to patient needs and medical procedures.


Достичь спецификаций стандартов UL/ROHS/EN. Шум менее 50 дБ., 20,000 времена жизни, упражнения. Кровать оборудована 4 медицинские моторы, 1 блок управления двигателем, 1 ручка контроллера.

User-Friendly Control Panel

The electric hospital bed features a control panel on the long side rail, allowing medical staff to make precise adjustments. This panel can raise or lower the bed, наклонить заднюю часть, and bend the leg section, all with a lock function to prevent accidental operation. A patient control panel inside enables patients to adjust their positions easily.

Angle Indicator for Optimal Positioning

The angle display on each side rail helps medical staff optimize bed positioning for patient comfort. It indicates the angle of inclination for the back-rest, подставка для коленей, and Trendelenburg position. This feature aids in avoiding pressure ulcers and promoting better circulation.

Advanced Caster Design

The casters feature a double-sided design, enhancing performance and durability. Made from corrosion-resistant TPE material, they adapt to various environmental conditions. The embedded spray-type double-seal bearings guarantee smooth, silent movement. The casters also include brake pedals to prevent unwanted movement and anti-winding features to avoid tangling, making them suitable for heavy-duty applications.


4Бесшумные ролики с центральным тормозом xφ125 мм и двумя чипами. Пройдено испытание на прочность, 30км без истирания. Функция защиты от намотки, на ролика медведей 120кг.

Protective Bumper Wheel Feature

Each corner of the electric hospital bed includes bumper wheels that protect the bed frame and walls from damage. These wheels create a gap between the bed and the wall, preventing contact and friction. This design ensures optimal protection and stability, making the bed ideal for tight or uneven spaces.


Предотвратите травмы персонала или травмы тела кровати..

Central Locking for Safety

The central locking system allows staff to control the bed’s movement using the control pedal. The pedal has two positions: вниз и вверх. When down, the casters lock in place. When up, the casters unlock, allowing for easy movement. This system enhances convenience and safety for users.

Convenient IV Pole Prevision

Each bed corner includes an infusion pole holder for added convenience. The poles, made from durable stainless steel, feature four foldable hooks for hanging fluids or medications. Their height can be easily adjusted to meet various needs, supporting up to 15kg without compromising stability.


Полная грузоподъемность из нержавеющей стали весом 15 кг, 4 Отверстия для полюсов для внутривенных вливаний.

Versatile Drainage Hook

The drainage hook is a practical accessory made from sturdy plastic that withstands wear and tear. Its flexible design adapts to various pipe or hose diameters. The drainage hook is easy to install and remove, helping organize drainage systems efficiently and safely.